John Carpenter Was Approached to do Spider-Man and Batman?
Yes, indeed he was according to the interview the filmaker had with IFC...
"Way back in the '70s, I was approached to talk about the story I'd write for a Spider-Man movie. They also talked to me about Batman. I had to think about it, but that was way, way back when."
"I've gone through various periods with superheroes," he explained. "They work in the right hands, but they don't work in other hands. It's tricky. But any movie is tricky. It's impossible to say, 'This is what you do in any situation.' So yes, I've thought about it and I'm not opposed to it."
Speaking of comics, Carpenter also gave an update about the Darkchylde film based on the defunct Maximum Press line.
"We're still developing it, and we're still trying to get it set up," he said. "We're trying to raise money and find the right home for it, which is the biggest thing you have to do. You don't want some place that doesn't understand it."
He also has a new comic called JOHN CARPENTER'S ASYLUM. You can see the teaser on Graphicly.
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