Sneak Peeks: Action Lab Entertainment May 17, 2017

The Fellowship has obtained sneak peeks of comics from the publisher that will come out this week...

Writer(s): Zag Entertainment
Artist Name(s): Zag Entertainment
Cover Artist(s): Zag Entertainment
Arranged and Adapted by: Cheryl Black and Nicole D’Andria

Marinette’s class has to make a short horror film for a festival. But the lead actress, Mylene, cannot play her part because she’s too scared. She leaves the set as she can no longer bear some of her classmates’ reproaches. Akumatized, she turns into Horrificator, a slimy monster that feeds itself with the fear it causes.

Writer: Adapted by Nicole D’Andria from the Peter David novel
Artist Name(s): Laura Neubert
Cover Artist(s): Laura Neubert

Mr. Fang’s plan to take over the royal family is almost complete. Narrator Charley Bates finally joins our tale proper! Alongside the Artful Dodger and Van Helsing’s son Bram, the group attempts to save Drina from the clutches of the nefarious Mr. Fang.

Writer(s): Dan Mendoza
Artist Name(s): Celor
Cover Artist(s): Dan Mendoza (Covers A-B), Bill McKay (Covers C-D), Pow Rodrix (Covers E-F)

Janey’s been on the road desperately searching for Morning, the little redhead of the dead, but she's not the only one. Where did Morning run off to? What does she know about the Kaiju Queen? And who else is looking for the ginger-haired ghost child? Find out in this issue of Zombie Tramp!